Favour Nifemi F


UI/UX designers are among the most sought after in the tech industry. This is because without a proper and usable design, most websites will become non-functional. Most people go into UI/UX design for different reasons like “ I just want to have an idea of design”, “ I want to start a career in UI/UX design”,” I have always had a passion for designing”, “My friends are into design”, “People make money from designing” amongst others. For me, money has always been my major drive to be very honest with you, asides money, I love building digital products that makes life comfortable for humans.



This has to do with the look and feel, the aesthetics of a digital product or website. It has to do with understanding the typography. color, spacing, imagery and responsive deign. Having a deep understanding of all this is very essential has this will make the layout of a digital product very attractive and readable for users. It also affects how your users will respond to your product, having a dull interface will discourage users from visiting or using your product. You have to ensure that your user interface is very enticing for users, as this will drive traffic to your digital product.



This is what I would call the “behind the scenes” of a digital product. UX design involves how a user interacts with your product, it has to do with how easy a user can perform a task on your digital product from the start to the finish. This is made possible by undergoing necessary research on the users of your product, so as to ensure, you are designing for the right audience. As a UX designer, you have no business with the aesthetics of a digital product, your duty is to create a relevant experience for the user.


There are various principles and guidelines needed to make your design presentable and attractive.

The five basic principles of design are:

i) Proximity

It refers to the visual space used to show relationships in your content. Related elements should be grouped while Unrelated elements should be separated to show their lack of relationship. It makes your design easier to understand.

B) White Space

It is a space around or in between elements.

White space or negative space in design is the part of a design that is empty and free of any content or element. It helps to define and separate different sections. White space gives your content, room to breathe. It helps your user interpret your content quickly.

C) Alignment

Alignment has to do with being consistent in your design. Designs with good alignment appear to be more organized than designs with poor alignment.

D) Contrast

Contrast is very crucial in the layout and composition of the design. The contrast makes elements stand out. It creates emphasis, calls attention to something important. There are ways of creating contrast in design, you can adjust the size, color, visual weight, and styles of text.

E) Hierarchy

This refers to how well a user can navigate your work. Similar to contrast, It uses different levels of emphasis. The important contents are usually larger or bolder.

F) Repetition

This is a great way to organize design. For example, using the same color palette, same fonts or shapes all through your design gives your design a great look.

Other principles of design are:

a) Typography

This is the style or appearance of text. It is also the art of working with text. The use of typography in design is a very crucial part of the design. Typography refers to the fonts used in a design, their spacing, size, and weight, and the way different text elements relate to each other.

Fonts are of three types: Serif fonts, Sans serif, and Display fonts. Serif fonts have little strokes called serifs attached to the main parts of the letter. It is advisable to use serif fonts for traditional projects. Sans serif fonts(without serifs) are clean and easy to read on screens. Display fonts have different styles, they are best for a small amount of text. It’s best to limit yourself to one or two fonts for your project.

b) Color

Color is used for communication in everyday life. Color has a huge influence on design. Knowing the colors that look good together is important in designing. Hue, saturation, and value in colors can be used to create attractive color schemes. The various color schemes include: Monochromatic, Analogous, Complementary, Split Complementary, Triadic, Tetradic. It is important to use the color that best fits your project.

c) Images

Images are used in design to draw or compel the users’ attention. They are an integral part of the design. It is advisable to use high-quality images like vector graphics for designs.

Making use of these principles and elements for your design will go a long way in making your design more attractive.

