My thinking process in designing a cupcake restaurant

Favour Nifemi F
3 min readAug 7, 2020


“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing.” — William Edwards Deming

The cupcake factory landing page

As a newbie designer that depends solely on images to make designs interactive and user-centered. ‘Typography design seemed impossible for me. Despite that, I was able to achieve a well attractive design.

These are the steps I took in my design process for a restaurant website:

The first stage of any design thinking process is to gain an empathic understanding of the problem, define the problem you want to solve, and iterate on the problem, find possible solutions for the problem.

What objective does the website need to accomplish?

Before getting started with the design

I had to understand the aim of the website which is for customers

to able to order for cupcakes from the comfort of their home.

Who are the target users of the website?

The users of the website are mostly customers with a busy schedule.

Getting back from work, and having to drive to a cupcake shop might seem

stressful for customers.

These are the decisions I took in implementing the design:

I searched for design inspirations for typography design, restaurant website, to gather a better understanding of designing a restaurant website.

Color choice:

Brown is a natural color that evokes a sense of strength and reliability.

It’s often seen as solid, much like the earth, and it’s a color often

associated with resilience, dependability, security, and safety.

Brown can also create feelings of loneliness, sadness, and isolation.

Green is calming, stress-relieving, and–a bit paradoxically–invigorating.

Green stands for balance, nature, spring, and rebirth. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress. Green and brown color is a suitable color for a cupcake restaurant website that provides stress relief to customers.


Pinyon Script is a romantic round hand script style font. It also sports swashes which are confident and showy somehow giving the type a feeling suggestive of the American west. Perhaps this is why, despite refinement and aristocratic style; Pinyon Script manages to feel so friendly. Pinyon Script uses a high stroke contrast and is very slanted making it most suitable for use at larger sizes. Quicksand is a free, open-source sans-serif typeface designed by Andrew Paglinawan. It has rounded letterforms giving it a warm and friendly appearance. Quicksand is available in light, normal and bold, however, there are no italic versions available so it doesn’t work for setting body copy. The fonts are suitable for any typography design.

Icons/Images/Vector Illustrations:

I avoided making use of images or any illustrations for my typography design. I used typography and color to communicate my ideas in the design.

Website Logo

Most websites rarely make use of complex logos for their designs, as simplicity is the current trend for logos. I used a simple logo with the brand name and styled it perfectly.

