Favour Nifemi F
4 min readOct 10, 2020

I believe we can all relate that at some point , a random idea comes to our mind, either beneficial or not, but we sometimes ignore it considering the fact that the possibilities of bringing the idea to reality is very slim. After conducting an online survey, I realized that the reasons we dead this random ideas is due to lack of funding, lack of motivation and collaboration.

The main objective of this app is to connect ideas with investors and collaborators.


  • Share random ideas
  • Get collaborators and chat.
  • Get Investors to fund the idea.

User research

I conducted an online survey consisting of three open-ended questions and these are the responses i got.


User Personas

The results from my survey assisted me in visualizing a particular audience for the app.


After getting an in-depth understanding of the problem, I made rough sketches for the app.

Wireframes/Low fidelity Prototypes

Wireframes is a low fidelity design layout that helps to focus on the user experience and functionality of an app or website.

High Fidelity Prototypes

User Flows

Userflows is a visual respresentation of the possible interactions that a user can make within an app or website.

I made a typical userflow that maps out the users movement from the login page to the final interaction.

My Mood board

Rule of design is to avoid reinventing the wheel. So I made use of the current mobile apps with good user experience and interface (like Duolingo, Hey, Tiktok, )as an inspiration for designing my app.

My choice of color

Yellow symbolizes creativity, optimism and positivity. Using the yellow color for an app that promotes creative thinking is a great choice. I added black and white for good readability on the app


Segoe UI is the Windows font intended for user interface text strings. Segoe is a branding font used by Microsoft and partners to produce material for print and advertising. Segoe UI is an approachable, open, and friendly typeface for quick readability.

Naming and Logo:

“Idehatch” is coined from two words — ‘Idea’ and ‘hatch’.I picked it because it explains the main objective of the app which is to turn dream ideas into reality.

I designed a logo that communicates the goal of the app, i used a bulb icon placed on an egg, that symbolizes the birth of a great idea.

Future additions:

Chat feature: Chat with collaborators and investors for quick iteration on the ideas.



Most trending tech industries make use of straightforward onboarding for their apps to give the users a brief introduction. So I made use of a simple illustration to give users an understanding of what the app entails.

Picking an idea for collaboration and investment:

Finding an idea for users to collaborate or invest in is quite easy as users are allowed to support or like the idea they find beneficial.

Sharing ideas:

As a user in search of a collaborator /investor for an idea, you can share your ideas with a detailed description and motivation of the idea.

Chat requests:

Users on the app can request for a chat with the proposer of an idea, for collaboration and investment.

I believe that this app will provide an easier way for ideas to turn reality with quick access to investors and collaborators.

